Session 2014-2015
Room number 327
Subscription £10
October 6th
"The Bone People" by Kerri Hulme:
Reviewed by Elaine Hansen
November 3rd
"Journey by Moonlight" by Antal Szerb:
Reviewed by Ann Knox
December 1st
"The House of Silk" by Anthony Horowitz: Reviewed by Janice McCotter
January 5th
"Dear Life" by Alice Munro: Reviewed by Sandra Rafferty
February 2nd
"Vienna Blood" by Frank Tallis: Reviewed by Liz Hay
March 2nd
"Lady Magdalen" by Robert Jenkins: reviewed by Helen Blair
April 13th
AGM, Poems and Lunch
Club Officials for 2014-2015
Jean Adams (chair)
Elaine Hanson (secretary)
Ruth McGill (treasurer)
Jan Hanson (member)....jeanad@hotmail.co.uk
The time, place and programme for the club meetings may be seen on the club notice board in the common rooom on level 2.
Contact with the club secretary of president may be made by leaving a message with the 3ls secretary on level 3 or by email