Room numbers beside dates
Fridays 12.45-2.00pm
We are a very friendly Club with 50 members.
The Club meets usually on the 4th Friday of each month from
October through to May to hear talks in Spanish on a variety of subjects; travel,art,music or history with a Spanish or Latin
American connection.
After each talk the Club meets for a drink a snack and a
chat in 3Ls Common Room. We also arrange Club lunches in the weeks in between talks.
Our annual subscription is £10 due
as from August. All Club members should join the 3Ls first.
It is not necessary to be fluent in Spanish to join the
club, merely to have an interest in all things Spanish/Latin American.
''Los socios del club le
ofrecen una bienvenida cordial a nuestras
reuniones mensuales .No es necesario ni hablar ni entender
perfectamente el
español.Basta tener interés en la cultura de
España o América