Click here for the Computer Club's own Web Site
THE CLUB WILL RESUME ON 16th OCTOBER 2015 and will meet every 2nd friday until 11th Dec 2015 and resume again in Jan 2016

Members on Visit to Titan Crane Clydebank |

Members enjoy a tram ride on visit to Summerlee Heritage Park |
. Every other Friday
16th Oct--May2016
Computer Lab
Help for members
Friday 30th Oct
Talk .....Eleanor
Crawford Lables
Eleanor will be in
the lab to give help and advice
Friday 11th Dec
Last meeting before Christmas at
usual time 1pm
Wine and nibbles in Social
about 2pm
2016 Friday
8th January 2016
Weekly meetings resume
Room 749/750
Friday 22nd Jan
open after talk
Friday 5th Feb
lab open
Friday 19th Feb
lab open
Friday 26th Feb
to Committee for details
lab not open
Friday 4th March
Normal club meeting
In the lab
Friday 18th March
SKYPE Brian Lochrin 1.0pm
in the Lab
Friday 25th March Good Friday
Public Holiday
University Closed
No meeting this week
Friday April 8th
Normal lab meeting
Room GH 749
Friday April 22nd
Club AGM
Nominations for committee members required
Room ? 1.0p.m
May 2016
3Ls Association AGM
Building ?
Last lab of season wine & nibbles to close
Room GH 7.49/7.50

Friday 1st February 2013-Computer
enthusiasts (report by Val Bissland)
Today I gave a short illustrated talk about the free photo file
management programme called Picassa. The group involved was the Computer Club linked to the Learning in Later Life (LLL) Programme
run at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Over 3000 older adults are enrolled in daytime classes there and I was involved
in setting up the Computer Club about 15 years ago. There, more experienced members can help novices organise emails and become
confident on the Internet in a friendly relaxed atmosphere. Some older adults have had fewer opportunities in their working
lives to use the new technology, although that number is dwindling certainly. But there's so much that's fun - and that also
keeps the brain firing - such as Blipfoto! After my talk, some members went to the computer lab to have a go, and I followed
on, with a Blipfoto in mind. This picture, I hope, captures the camaraderie in the clubs which is one of about 16 covering
different activities attached to the LLL programme . On the right of the picture are novices Dorothy and Jane with founder
member Jean (on the left), who keeps everyone in a spirit of optimism. I used the light from the ceiling panels rather
than flash which meant an automatic shutter speed of only 1/20th second. However, I must have held the iPhone camera steady
as the computers are sharp. But there's a bit of movement in the figures as Jane's arm is slightly blurred as she adjusts
her glasses, and Jean's head as she throws it back giving a hearty laugh. However, I think these add to the feeling of spontaneity.
To see Val's photo on click here.
To see the photo on the CLLs Facebook page click here