PROGRAMME 2014 -2015
Meeting rooms and times vary
The 3Ls Art Club is open to all members of the 3ls Association.
Demonstrations by working Artists are organised
and Exhibitions of our members Art work.
Membership £8.00
The Committee would like to extend a warm welcome to new and
existing members in 2014 to the Art Club and we hope to see you at future events.
To join, please complete the form at the end of this page.

Wed 29thOctober 2013
1.00 -3.00pm
room GH742
Demonstration by Rosemary Beaton
Sunday 15th --Sunday23rd Nov dates to be confirmed
Club Exhibition at the Peoples' Palace
Wednesday 17th December
11.30 -1.30 pm
room GH 742
Christmas Get Together
Monday 23rd February
room GH227
Demonstration by Gordon Davidson
Saturday 7th-Sunday15th March dates to be confirmed
Exhibition at the People's Palace
Friday 27th March 10.30am-12pm
room GH742
Officials for 20012-2013
President - Les Adams
Secretary - Janice Edgely
Treasurer - David Bradford Past President- WendyMcCallum
Members -
Sheila Kennedy
We look forward to having you join us
Post Code.............................Tel no.................................
Confirm I am a member of the 3Ls Association
Please send along
with cheque (made payable to 3Ls Art Club) to the Treasurer ,David Bradford c/o 3Ls Association, University of Strathclyde, level 3, 40 George Street, Glasgow G1 1QE
- I will/will not be able to help in staffing
the Nov exhibition
- I would like to offer my services to
the club as follows:-