The Council of Clubs meets three or four times a year to discuss matters of interest and concern to clubs.
there are 17 clubs:
& Design Art Book
Computer Current Affairs
French French Book
Genealogy German Italian Music
Spanish Theatre
Traditional Music Tuesday
The members of the Council of Clubs are the presidents and secretaries of clubs. If
neither of them is available to attend a meeting, a delegate may be sent to represent the club. It is preferable that the delegate is a member of the committee of the club.
The Convenor of the Council. The members of the Council should elect
one of their number to be the Convenor. The appointment must be approved by the
Management Council and is for one year. The Convenor can be reappointed each
year by the Management Council and will serve for not more than three years.
The Convenor is a non voting member of the Management Council.
The Convenor is a link to the Management Council and should communicate to the Council of Clubs what has been reported
and discussed there. Club information and concerns should in turn be communicated
to the Management Council.
The Convenor will call meetings of the Council of Clubs and draw up an agenda for discussion.
The Convenor is also responsible for ensuring that notices and information on the notice boards and on the web site
is kept up to date, especially those concerning future meetings of the Council and the posting of Council minutes.
The Convenor will be responsible for keeping an accurate record of Office Bearers of clubs and any changes in personnel
should be notified to the Convenor and the 3Ls office.
The Convenor should hold a copy of the constitution of each club to be kept in the 3Ls office.
A copy of the minutes of the club AGM should be sent to the Convenor each year.
The Convenor should be familiar with the programme and activities of each club.
This can be done through the 3Ls clubs website. Please keep the Convenor
informed of any successful activities or events and also of any problems that may arise.
The Convenor will give a report on the activities of clubs at the AGM of the 3Ls Association
in May of each year.