Information and Guidelines for 3L Members and Club Officials
UPDATED December 2013
University of Strathclyde
Centre for Lifelong Learning
Graham Hills Building
40 George Street
G1 1QE
1.0 Association Constitution
2.0 A Statement of the Membership and
Purpose of the Council of Clubs
3.0 Guidelines for Clubs
Phone messages
Administrative Assistant
The 3Ls Website
Health and Safety
Members with Special Needs
Information to the Convenor of
Club Accounts
Open Day
National Trust Card
Appendix 1
Appendix 3
1.0 Constitution of the Learning in Later Life Students’
Association will be known as the Learning in Later Life Students’ Association.
title 3Ls)
aim and function of the 3Ls will be to establish and maintain an association of mature students which will have as its primary
concern the furtherance of the educational and social aims of the group of students normally aged 50 and over. In pursuing this aim it will collaborate with the University of Strathclyde (primarily the Centre for Lifelong
Learning) and with any other institution or group whose activities the 3Ls considers relevant.
3Ls will also participate in activities linked to the University of Strathclyde, its community and its environs in as far
as these are seen to be pertinent to the primary concern defined above. The 3Ls
is visualised as University of Strathclyde based and will hold its meetings on Campus.
past and present Learning in Later Life students normally aged 50 and over will be eligible for membership (students may also
join on the basis of having undertaken a class in CLL’s Summer Programme). The
3Ls will be self-supporting and to this end will charge an annual subscription. The
subscription will be determined by the membership at its Annual General Meeting and will be payable annually on 31st
students who join the 3Ls for the very first time in the Third Term, the annual subscription will cover that short period,
and the following 3Ls session, 1st September to 31st August of the following year. Thereafter the subscription
requires to be paid annually on 31st August.
Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held each spring to which all members will be invited.
Fifty (50) members will form a quorum.
Six weeks notice will be given and the following business will be enacted.
Annual Report by the President
Annual Report presented by the Honorary Treasurer
to be approved by members present.
Annual subscription to be agreed by majority vote.
Election of Management Council by majority vote
notice calling the meeting will incorporate an agenda of the items to be discussed and/or the resolution(s) to be put to the
meeting. Any amendment to a resolution set out in the agenda for the meeting
will be proposed, seconded and submitted to the Honorary Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the Annual General
Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) must be called by the President on giving 21 days notice to all members and shall do so
at the request of at least six members.
EGM shall be called for a specific purpose or purposes stipulated in the notice calling the meeting.
business apart from that stipulated in the notice calling the EGM shall be transacted.
Any resolution put to a EGM must be carried by a majority of those members present and entitled to vote and voting.
(50) members will form a quorum.
(1) There will be a Management Council elected annually from among the members, consisting of a President, Immediate Past
President/Vice President, and Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and ten other members, as well as two (non-voting) representatives
of the University of Strathclyde.
(2) Nomination for election to the Management Council will be invited six weeks prior to the AGM.
Nomination forms will be enclosed with the AGM papers. Nominees must have agreed
to nomination and been proposed and seconded.
(3) The Vice President will be elected by the Management Council having been duly proposed and seconded.
(4) The Council will be entitled to co-opt a maximum of two members to serve on Council until the next AGM
at which he/she may stand for election as a full Council member.
(5) The Council should be so constituted as to have representation in its membership of students currently participating
in Learning in Later Life classes.
(6) The Learning in Later Life Students’ Association Clubs (3Ls Clubs) will have representation on the Management
Council. Three 3Ls Club representatives will serve for one year, with clubs represented in alphabetical order
(7) There will also be a Patron, appointed for three years, and an Honorary President.
(8) The Council will have the power to create honorary members.
(9) All elected members of the Management Council will serve for three years without seeking re-election and thereafter
retire for a minimum of one year.
The exceptions will be the President, who will serve
for two years; the Immediate Past President, who will serve one year in that capacity and the Vice President who will serve
one year immediately prior to serving as President.
The Convenor of Clubs will be a
member of the Management Council with full voting rights
The President will be responsible for ensuring the
business of the 3Ls is conducted in accordance with the Constitution.
The Secretary will issue notice of and keep an accurate
record of all meetings, including the AGM, as well as recording all business transacted.
The Treasurer will be custodian of all monies accruing
to the 3Ls and will produce a financial report for the AGM and a resume of the financial position
for Council and other meetings as requested by the Management Council.
An auditor will be appointed to audit the accounts
annually and at any interim period decided by the Management Council.
There should not be less than four Management Council
Meetings annually. At each of these meetings, the Agenda will include presentation and discussion of subjects of relevance
and immediacy, selected with a view to possible participative action by the 3Ls.
Six elected members present will form a quorum at
a meeting of the Management Council.
The President will have a deliberate and casting
are affiliated to the 3Ls and will normally be formed from classes to further informal learning.
members of the 3Ls may apply for membership of any of the affiliated 3Ls Clubs.
are required to present a list of their current members to the Honorary Secretary by 30th November each year.
are required to present an annual balance sheet to the Management Council not later than 15th April each year.
In the event of a Club being disbanded any balance of money in the funds will become part of the 3Ls funds.
2.0 A Statement of the Membership and Purpose of the Council of Clubs (CofC)
Council of Clubs meets four times a year to discuss matters of interest and concern to clubs.
there are 15 clubs:
& Design
French Book
members of the CofC are the presidents and secretaries of clubs. If neither of
them is available to attend a meeting, a delegate may be sent to represent the club.
It is preferable that the delegate is a member of the committee of the club.
Convenor of the CofC should be elected to be Convenor by the members of the CofC. The
appointment must be approved by the Management Council and is for one year. The
Convenor can be reappointed each year by the Management Council and will serve for not more than three years.
Convenor is a full voting member of the Management Council. The Convenor is a link to the Management Council and should communicate
to the CofC what has been reported and discussed there. Club information and
concerns should in turn be communicated to the Management Council.
Convenor will call meetings of the CofC and draw up an agenda for discussion.
Convenor is also responsible for ensuring that notices and information on the notice boards and on the web site is kept up
to date, especially those concerning future meetings of the CofC and the posting of CofC minutes.
Convenor will be responsible for keeping an accurate record of Office Bearers of clubs and any changes in personnel should
be notified to the Convenor and the 3Ls office.
Convenor should hold a copy of the constitution of each club to be kept in the 3Ls office. A copy of the minutes of the club
AGM should be sent to the Convenor each year.
Convenor should be familiar with the programme and activities of each club and will request to visit club meetings.
CofC provides a forum for clubs to discuss the efficient day to day running of the clubs and to raise any problems that arise.
keep the Convenor informed of any successful activities or events and also of any problems that may arise. The Convenor will
give a report on the activities of clubs at the AGM of the 3Ls in May of each year.
CofC works with the 3Ls Management Council and the Centre for Lifelong Learning (CLL) to implement their
policies for the running of the 3Ls and the clubs in particular.
CofC facilitates communication and cooperation between clubs and helps them to act together in events such as the Open Day.
Clubs can share information on successful outings or projects. Any suggestions
for inter club activities are welcome.
CofC provides an opportunity for members of clubs to make any suggestions and comments.
year three clubs in turn are represented on the 3Ls Management Council usually by their presidents but if they are not available
the club sends a representative. They contribute to the discussions at the Management Council.
CofC has a notice board on Level 2 and a website on on which is the date and time of the next meeting and where
the minutes of the last meeting can be found by members.
all work together to provide worthwhile experiences for club members and to promote a friendly and welcoming environment.
3.0 Guidelines for Clubs
3Ls Association’s room is GH332 on Level 3.
3ls Association’s email address is:
Phone: 0141 548 4387
messages for clubs left on the answering machine on the 3Ls office GH332 will be dealt with as soon as someone is available
to deal with them and passed on to the relevant club president or secretary.
Reid will be available in the 3Ls office on Level 3, on Wednesday afternoons only from 1pm to 4.00pm for 3Ls business. Whilst
CLL staff on Level 7 will attempt to assist clubs, they are not familiar with all club business (e.g.
meeting times and venues). The club notice boards on Levels 2 and 7 should be the
first point of reference for club members where all meeting dates, time and venues should be clearly stated.
William’s email is
received into CLL for clubs will be redirected to the appropriate person in the club through
the tray system to be found inside the cupboard opposite the 3Ls office on Level 3. Club officers may uplift mail from these
for posting should be stamped using the 3Ls mail stamp and will be dealt with by the CLL office or can be
left with William on a Wednesday afternoon.
notices which will be displayed for more than 4 weeks should be laminated. It is the responsibility of clubs to keep information
current and remove any out of date signage.
laminator is in the cupboard in room GH332 and the plastic pouches are beside it. It is only available for clubs to use on
Wednesday afternoons from 1pm to 4.00pm.
Club notice-boards are in the 3Ls
club room on Level 2 and on Level 7 in the coffee area.
lot of our members do not use email addresses so information on notice boards remains the main source of information. Each club will be given its own space on the club notice board and information about
programmes and outside events should be displayed there with a contact email address and telephone number if possible for
anyone who wishes to contact the club. A member of the club committee should be responsible for keeping the notice board and
the website up to date.
Notices should not include residential addresses.
If you wish to discuss any aspect of displaying information about your club within CLL, please contact the Convenor of
Clubs, John Parkhill (
3Ls website is
make it familiar to members and encourage them to use it, please display it on club communications.
webmaster is Myrtle McGregor. Please see Appendix 3 for policy.
Phone: 0141 644 1377
Webmaster: Carole Glasgow
0141 647 6061
nominate a link person for your club who will cooperate with Myrtle and Carole to keep the club website up to date showing
time, place, and date
of meetings and social events. It would be helpful if all clubs could find someone in their committee or among their members
who can email information to the Webmaster.
makes the job of the web person very much easier as the information does not have to be re-typed each time. If this is not
possible, continue to send information by post.
graphics, videos, links and anything that makes your website interesting, can be added by the webmaster.
is a News page which gives news of happenings in the 3Ls and any interesting information about members. If anything unusual or noteworthy has happened to a member of your club or if you have any interesting
experiences connected to your club to relate, please send a note of it to Myrtle or Carole.
CofC has a page on which is displayed the dates of meetings, a short summary of what is being discussed and minutes of the
previous meeting. The `Guidelines for Clubs` booklet is available there. The policy on the website and the role of the webmaster
is also displayed on that page (please see Appendix 3).
web is a crucial resource for information and one which is accessed increasingly regularly by our members. It is therefore,
key that any information on the site is up to date.
3Ls Computer Club has an excellent website reached by a link from their 3Ls Web page which provides lots of help and useful
information on their club and how to further your IT skills.
is important that where possible, any outings and 3Ls club events are captured visually so that a representative archive of
the work of clubs and the 3Ls can be maintained. It would be helpful if someone within the club could be nominated to ensure
that significant events and moments are recorded on camera. Photos outlining the event/trip etc. should be sent to John Parkhill
who will add them to the archive.
it should be made clear to members of your club that photos may be taken at meetings/events and that these may be used for
publicity materials for the 3Ls or CLL.
clubs, which require to access the photocopier and/or the audio-visual equipment in CLL/university teaching
rooms, must have their own DS Account (username and password). For Session 2013/14, CLL will meet half
of the annual cost for this (£25) and the 3Ls Students’ Association the remainder, totalling £50. In future years, it
is likely that clubs may need to pay all or part of this sum out of club funds. Clubs should be aware of this when setting
membership fees for future sessions.
member of the club (usually the President or Secretary) must take responsibility for this account and its usage. DS Account
details are confidential and should not be widely shared. CLL staff do not hold these details and
cannot provide them if they are forgotten on the day of a meeting.
contact William Reid ( if you have any queries about this or wish to apply for a DS Account.
photocopier is now on Level 7 within the CLL office. From October 2013, a DS Account
is needed to access this facility (see above).
bill for photocopies made will be sent to the club by William at the end of the financial year.
member of CLL staff can provide initial guidance on using the photocopier.
for the use of equipment for club meetings or audio-visual assistance (e.g. laptop setup) should be made to:
William Reid (3Ls Administrative Support)
Tel: 0141 548 5778
Please note: requests must be made to William via email at least 5 working days before it
is required for your club meeting so as we can check we have adequate staffing to cover the request.
CLL staff will endeavour to assist with urgent ‘on the day’ issues
as they arise.
Support is provided by the faculty-wide HASS IT support team. It is for this reason it is crucial that you let William know
in advance what equipment is needed and if equipment or support cannot be provided within the Centre for Lifelong Learning
then HASS Support will be contacted. Please note that requests to HASS IT for software updates can take up to six weeks to
be addressed. Repairs/faults are prioritised according to urgency and the availability of an IT Technician.
is restricted to the amount of support he can provide due to HASS IT support having sole administrative privileges on computers.
microphone is available for those clubs who use the Conference Room. William can provide a demo on how to use this.
special requirements for a club speaker should be made to William. Please let him know in well in advance what equipment is
ensure that all equipment used during club meetings (e.g. PCs, projectors) is switched off at the end of the meeting.
of personal laptops- a statement from the Department Due to university policy on virus protection, no personal laptops will be allowed to
be connected to university networks in any CLL teaching room. Please note that PCs resident in our teaching rooms are
preset and under no circumstances should connections be removed or altered.
all club speakers who wish to use the Centre’s AV equipment must provide presentations on a memory stick or other appropriate
medium. Memory sticks and discs must be tested for viruses before use. There
is a programme on the University computers for this purpose. To ensure technical support is available, if required, please
confirm to William any AV requirements in advance of club meetings (at least 5 working days – see above).
PC Access in Central Pool Teaching Rooms
you are using a Central Pool teaching room, the £5 per hour charge still applies. It may be possible for you to visit the
room in advance of the club meeting to see if it suits your requirements. This should be arranged with William. If you need
any setup help on the day (e.g. with laptops, projectors), you must book this in with
William at least 5 working days before your meeting. CLL will provide setup help but any equipment
borrowed from CLL for the meeting (e.g. laptops) must be disconnected and returned to the CLL
office on Level 7 after the meeting by a club member.
Other Equipment
3Ls owns a digital camera as well as a Panasonic radio tape and CD player. These can be borrowed by clubs by pre-booking with
William (5 days’ notice required – as above) and should be collected from CLL Reception.
Club Meeting Booking Form will be issued to club Presidents and Secretaries in July each year for accommodation requests which
should be returned directly to William. Notification of accommodation required for each club will be sent to the secretary
of each club as soon as possible (usually in time for the Open Afternoon in mid-September).
are reminded to minimise ad hoc bookings as it involves considerable extra work.
members should be reminded that the notice boards on levels 2 and 7 are the main sources of information about club meetings
dates, times and venues. CLL office staff is not aware of all club business and meetings.
of session 2012/2013 a letting fee of £5.00 per hour will be required. This includes the library area on Level 2 (beside the
coffee lounge). Clubs will be invoiced for the year’s booking in advance and payment should be made to the Centre for
Lifelong Learning, University of Strathclyde, before the end of October.
clubs are very large and may be offered the use of the Conference Room on Level 7. This
is often used by outside groups and may not always be available. William will
advise and suggest alternative accommodation.
Room Bookings for Central Pool Teaching Accommodation
There are rooms throughout the university campus which may be suitable for larger clubs who cannot be accommodated
within CLL. Booking must be made through William Reid and the
same £5 per hour charge applies. The rooms cannot be booked till the opening of the new session in late September since undergraduate
and postgraduate teaching needs must be met first.
Please note that Central Pool Teaching Room timetabling does not allow for any turnaround time between
slots and it will not be possible to access the room prior to your meeting if there is a booking immediately prior to yours.
is a great demand for accommodation on every day of the week so please be patient if William has to change your room or cannot
give you the accommodation you would like to have.
Numbers in Rooms
Practical Maximum Occupancy of each room is displayed on the wall. A list is included in this Guide. (Appendix 1) Please do not exceed this number. If there is any difficulty with this, please contact William about seeking alternative accommodation.
Fire Regulation
read Departmental Safety Regulations
(already issued).
Evacuation routes are posted in all CLL rooms.
Fire Alarm
Fire Alarm is a pulsating electronic sound. A practice alarm will last about
20 seconds and is usually sounded around 9.30am on a Friday morning. A real Fire
Alarm is a continuous sounding of the same warning sound.
of the Club Committee should take care to know the escape route from the room in which your club meets. The route is shown
on the notice in your room.
Clubs should have a list of members present at every meeting so that in an emergency everyone can be accounted for. Clubs may consider having a contact number
for members, particularly on outings, which would be useful in the case of an accident or a medical emergency.
see Appendix 2 for fire evacuation procedures for students with mobility problems.
location of internal phones within CLL is listed below. Each is clearly
marked with emergency phone numbers beside them.
Level 2 At the
entrance to the building beside GH200 + adjacent to ladies toilet beside teaching rooms on Level 2.
3 On the wall opposite
Level 7 At the end of the corridor past the Conference Room or go directly to the CLL Reception.
First Aid
Contact Janice MacWhirter on extension 4803
(External 0141 548 plus extension number)
There is a First Aid box located within the CLL office on level 7.
the event of an accident involving injury or requiring urgent medical help, phone 2222
from any internal phone (mobile 0141 548 2222) and state the exact location
and the nature of the incident if a doctor is required - or if an ambulance is required.
member of university security trained in first aid will attend.
A Guide for Clubs to Aid Members with Special Needs at Meetings.
guide by the Departmental Disability Contact to the CLL is included.
(Appendix 2) Please read this carefully as it contains information about
legal requirements.
Convenor will use the information on the website to keep informed of the dates, times and places of club meetings and outings. Please keep this information clear and up-to-date as there are often requests for
information by new members especially at the beginning of a term.
the end of the first term (in December), club secretaries or membership secretaries should send to the CofC Convenor and the
3Ls office a full list of their current membership. This is vital to help us ensure that all members have current subscriptions
to the 3Ls.
copy of the minutes of your AGM including President’s and Secretary’s reports should also be sent
to the Convenor of Clubs.
April every year the Convenor of Clubs will ask for a short report on the club in order to present a report on the club activities
throughout the year at the AGM of the 3Ls Students’ Association.
Treasurer of the club should send the club Financial Report to the 3Ls Treasurer in April every year along with a copy to
the CofC Convenor. The Convenor of Clubs should have a copy of each club constitution.
The Convenor of Clubs will keep a record of office bearers of clubs including those who send information
to the webmaster.
If there are any changes to the record, please inform the Convenor
and William Reid as soon as possible.
It is recommended that clubs give thought to replacing office bearers as they step down from their roles
in good time. The 3Ls encourages the practice of sharing office bearing roles between more than one member of a club and of
collaborative working.
If you wish any guidance on this, please contact the Convenor of Clubs.
A grant of £50 is given to each new club.
The club accounts must be audited annually and a copy sent to the 3Ls Treasurer and the Convenor of Clubs.
If the club should cease to exist, then all monies remaining must be passed to the 3LS Treasurer. Any club that is re-formed within a reasonable time will have this money returned.
Every year in September, the 3Ls clubs are key contributors to the Learning in Later Life Open Day which
allows prospective students of CLL to find out more about the 3Ls and existing members to view the range of clubs
and learning/social opportunities available.
Alix McDonald, the CLL Community Engagement Manager, will inform clubs of the date and the arrangements. Each club is given a table and can mount a display of photographs and information
about the club. Please do not put any notices on the walls. One or two representatives from the club should be available to answer questions and enrol new members.
Please make sure they are already enrolled as members of the 3Ls and have attended a class previously within either the Learning
in Later Life or Summer Programmes.
It is an ideal opportunity for the 3Ls to show that clubs are
providing a wide variety of experiences including outings and social gatherings for their members as well as opportunities
to develop their interests.
National Trust Card
The 3Ls holds a National Trust Card which allows free access for up to 60 people to any National Trust property
in Scotland for the purpose of an educational visit. Please contact the Social Convenor for use of the card. Prior to requesting
the card, clubs should make a direct booking for a group at any property.
Tell’smore is the newsletter of the Learning in Later Life Students` Association. It is published every year in December and May. Every year
three clubs are asked to contribute to each issue and articles from individual members are very welcome. The Editorial Committee
are also keen to encourage new blood and new ideas.
Appendix 1
Centre for Lifelong Learning
Teaching Accommodation
Maximum Room Occupancy
Room No/
Level 2
Common Room
Level 3
Level 7
GH744 (art studio)
GH742 (conference room)
The above are recommended practical maximums for comfort and safety and should not be exceeded without prior
consent from the Centre for Lifelong Learning.
* 16 is the limit in GH322/GH744 if members are using easels for art purposes.
** 46 is the limit if seated at the available tables. Extra
seating is available in the room.
*** GH230 technically has seating for 18 but would leave little room for movement.
12 is recommended as a comfortable capacity.
Appendix 2
A Guide for Clubs to Aid members with Special Needs at Meetings
Guidance for Club with Members with Mobility Impairment
It is the responsibility of a club to ensure that anyone attending a meeting within university premises can
be safely evacuated in the event of an emergency. To this end, all club members who would be unable to exit the building unaided
(i.e. they must be able to manage stairs unaided and without inhibiting the egress of others) must have a Personal Emergency
Egress Plan (PEEP) in place.
The process for this is:
1) President or Secretary of club establishes that there is someone in their membership
in need of a PEEP and contacts our Departmental Disability Contact, Natalie Chalmers, at with the member’s contact details and level of disability if known. This must be done in good time as the club member
may not attend until the PEEP is in place.
2) Natalie will contact the member and put in place the PEEP paperwork and share
this with:
- The club president
- The CLL office
- The member
3) The plan will include detailed instruction as to how to evacuate the individual
safely in the event of a fire. Responsibility for this will lie with an individual (to be agreed) within the club.
It is strongly recommended that from Session 2014/15, information about disability involving mobility is
gathered when someone joins the club even if they have been attending for several years.
This is a legal requirement and if a club member refuses to participate in this process, they cannot continue
to attend meetings.
It may be necessary to alter the location of club meetings in order to meet these evacuation requirements.
Students with Other Disabilities
There are a number of simple ways to assist those attending meetings who have a hearing impairment.
For members who are hard of hearing:
A loop system is in place in the Conference Room
and all CLL teaching rooms. This consists of an induction loop (in the walls) and an overhead mike (usually
above the teaching desk. This system can help those who have a hearing aid with a ‘T’ piece incorporated.
The switch for the system is on the wall usually
near the light switch, but ask in the office on Level 7 if you are unsure.
For effective use of this system, especially in a
large and/or noisy gathering the speaker should stand as near underneath the mike as possible. Speakers should also bear in
mind that some of those who are hard of hearing can lip read and therefore should always speak clearly and face the audience
(e.g. do not speak while writing on a board or looking at the screen.)
When club members are speaking from the floor it
may be advisable to ask them to come to the front so that they can be heard or the speaker should emphasise the important
visual points on the slide so that these members get full benefit of the meeting.
For members who have a visual impairment:
All handouts and information are best printed in
Arial format point size 14 for ease of reading.
Ensure that handouts are of good quality as they
can often become faded and difficult to read.
Ensure that whiteboard/flipchart pens (if being used)
are working correctly. Replacements can be collected from the CLL Office on Level 7.
If you require any further advice, please contact the Departmental Disability Contact at
Appendix 3
3Ls Web Site
The University of Strathclyde
Web Site
Centre for Lifelong Learning
has one page showing information
about the 3Ls Students’ Association
with a link to the 3Ls web site |
3Ls Web Site
This web site shows club information along with social events, news, Council of Clubs minutes etc |
should be aware that the 3Ls page on the University Web site cannot be changed
by 3Ls members. Any changes are made via the Web Master appointed by the Centre for Lifelong Learning. Only material approved
by the 3Ls President will be shown on this page.
3Ls Web Site
site is run independently by members appointed by the 3Ls Management Council, known as the Web Masters. No other member has
access to make any changes. It is not part of the University Site.
do not pay for our Tripod site at present. As a result some adverts appear. So far these have been relevant and inoffensive.
clubs may have their own web sites and links may be made to these e.g. the Computer Club.
Suggested Guidelines for Clubs
I. Each Club will have one page on the web site. Information on this is not limited and some photos are welcome.
II. Each session the club should send information to one of the web masters before or after the start of session. All pages
should be up-to-date by the end of October with partial programmes acceptable.
Changes will be made according
to the direction of a club official whenever necessary i.e. if a programme changes during the session.
Any out-of-date information will
be left on the web site for the interest of anyone browsing the web and will not be deleted until the web master is instructed
to do so or until more up-to-date material is received.
V. Clubs should send photos or other interesting material to be added to their page.
Links may be made to other club
web sites or to other sites of interest to members.
The web site belongs to the 3Ls
and the clubs and the site will only be a success with the help of club officials.
Myrtle McGregor Web Master