The Association will be known
as the Learning in Later Life Students’ Association.
(Short title 3Ls)
The aim and function of the
Association will be to establish and maintain an association of mature students which will have as its primary concern the
furtherance of the educational and social aims of the group of students normally aged 50 and over. In pursuing this aim it will collaborate with the University of Strathclyde and with any other institution
or group whose activities the Association considers relevant.
The Association will also
participate in activities linked to the University of Strathclyde, its community and its environs in as far as these are seen
to be pertinent to the Primary Concern defined above. The Association is visualised
as University of Strathclyde based and will hold its meetings on Campus.
All past and present Learning
in Later Life students normally aged 50 and over will be eligible for membership. The
Association will be self supporting and to this end will charge an annual subscription.
The subscription will be determined by the membership at its Annual General Meeting and will be payable annually on
31st August.
For students who join the
3Ls for the very first time in the Third Term, the annual subscription will cover that short period, and the following 3Ls
session, 1st September to 31st August of the following year. Thereafter the subscription requires to
be paid annually on 31st August.
An Annual General Meeting
will be held each Spring to which all members will be invited.
(50) members will form a quorum.
weeks notice will be given and the following business will be enacted.
Annual Report by the President
Annual Report presented by the Honorary Treasurer to be approved by members present.
Annual subscription to be agreed by majority vote.
Election of Management Council by majority vote.
The notice calling the
meeting will incorporate an Agenda of the items to be discussed and/or the resolution(s) to be put to the meeting. Any amendment to a resolution set out in the Agenda for the meeting will be proposed, seconded and submitted
to the Honorary Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.
Special General
Meetings must be called by the President on giving 21 days notice to all members and shall do so at the request of
at least six members.
A Special Meeting shall
be called for a specific purpose or purposes stipulated in the Notice calling the Meeting.
No business apart from
that stipulated in the Notice calling the Meeting shall be transacted. A Resolution
put to a Special General Meeting must be carried by a majority of those members present and entitled to vote and voting.
Fifty (50) members will
form a quorum.
(1) There will be a
Management Council elected annually from among the members, consisting of a President, Immediate Past President/Vice President,
Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and ten other members, as well as two (non-voting) representatives of the University
of Strathclyde.
(2) Nomination for election
to the Management Council will be invited six weeks prior to the AGM. Nomination forms
will be enclosed with the AGM papers. Nominees
must have agreed to nomination and been proposed and seconded.
(3) The Vice President
will be elected by the Management Council having been duly proposed and seconded.
(4) The Council will
be entitled to co-opt a maximum of two members to serve on Council until the next AGM at
which he/she may stand for election as a full Council member.
(5) The Council should
be so constituted as to have representation in its membership of students currently participating in Learning in Later Life
(6) The Learning in
Later Life Clubs (3Ls Clubs) will have representation on the Management Council.
(7) There will also
be a Patron, appointed for three years, and an Honorary President.
(8) The Council will
have the power to create Honorary members.
(9) All elected members
of the Management Council will serve for three years without seeking re-election and thereafter retire for a minimum of one
(10) The exceptions
will be the President, who will serve for two years; the Immediate Past President, who will serve one year in that capacity
and the Vice President who will serve one year immediately prior to serving as President.
(11) The Convenor of
Clubs will be co-opted to serve as a non-voting member on Management Council for a period of not less than one year. This
appointment to be reviewed annually.
(12) Three 3Ls Club
representatives will serve for one year, with clubs represented in alphabetical order.
(13) The President will
be responsible for ensuring the business of the Association is conducted in accordance with the Constitution.
(14) The Minute Secretary
will record all business transacted.
(15) The Secretary will
keep an accurate record of all meetings including the AGM, and will issue notice of meetings.
(16) The Treasurer will
be custodian of all monies accruing to the Association and will produce a financial report for the AGM
and a resume of the financial position for Council and other meetings as requested by the Management Council.
(17) An auditor will
be appointed to audit the accounts annually and at any interim period decided by the Management Council.
(18) There should not
be less than three Management Council Meetings annually. At each of these meetings, the Agenda will include presentation and
discussion of subjects of relevance and immediacy, selected with a view to possible participative action by the Association.
(19) Six elected members
present will form a quorum at a meeting of the Management Council.
(20) The President will
have a deliberate and casting vote.
Clubs are affiliated
to the Association and will normally be formed from classes to further the learning process.
Only members of the
3Ls Association may apply for membership of the affiliated 3Ls Clubs.
members may join any Club or Clubs of their choice.
Clubs are required to
present an annual balance sheet to the Management Council not later than 15th April each year.
In the event of a Club
being disbanded any balance of money in the funds will become part of the Association funds.